In No. 420 (May 7, 2021), I wrote about legal developments relating to amended Regulation 187 (Reg 187) issued by the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS). The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers and other entities and individuals (collectively, the petitioners) challenged in court the constitutionality of Reg 187.
In July 2019, the trial court in New York found in favor of DFS by ruling that Reg 187 is constitutional. The petitioners appealed the ruling.
In April 2021, an appellate court in New York reversed the trial court's ruling by finding that Reg 187 is unconstitutional. In No. 420, I said DFS was reviewing the appellate court's ruling.
The Notice of Appeal
On May 27, 2021, DFS filed a Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeals, which is New York State's highest court. In the notice, DFS said it is appealing from every part of the appellate ruling. At this time, I do not know when the DFS appellate brief will be filed. I plan to report further developments in this important litigation.